Costo dei funerali in Inghilterra (anno 2007)

The total cost of dying in the UK is now typically £5,923

The funeral component of the above is £2,390

Research findings from two surveys commissioned by AXA Sun Life Direct (ASLD) show that in the last year the average cost of a modest funeral in the UK has increased by 10% to £2,390. The average cost of a cremation (which accounts for 72% of funerals) is now £2,160 and of a burial is now £2,620.

For the first time an additional survey has looked at the other likely costs incurred after death. Typically these break down as follows: administration of estate (probate) £2,107, funeral flowers £229, death notice in newspapers £98, funeral notice in newspapers £146, catering at wake for 50 people £341, memorial, for example headstone £612. Where required, these likely additional costs total £3,533, and when added to the average funeral cost of £2,390, result in a total cost of dying of £5,923.

In 2005/2006 the DSS paid out £45 million to help cover the costs of 35,000 funerals, however wherever possible the DSS will recover money from the deceased’s estate. Based on past surveys, Mintel estimate that funeral costs will rise by a further 38% between now and 2012, averaging £3,299.

Paul Dwyer, Consultant to ASLD said, “Funeral prices alone have risen faster than inflation. This new additional survey reminds us that we need to save more money to cover the total cost of dying”.

Dying abroad can double or treble the price of a funeral because of the repatriation costs for a body. There is a growing trend towards green and woodland funerals, though the cost of a cardboard or wicker coffin is often more than a conventional coffin. Clergy fees average £89 whilst doctor fees come in at £138.

It’s laudable that at a time of personal sadness, good causes are remembered because the research showed that a collection for charity is made at half of funerals in the UK. The latest ASLD survey shows us that the average value of an estate is £137,000.

There are considerable regional variations in costs with London proving to have the highest cost of dying (£8,020) compared to £4,573 in the North East – see notes to editors.

To help people, a four page leaflet with useful tips, a funeral checklist and regional costs is available from freephone: 0800 169 2033. Information is also available at Respondents will also be sent the free helpful booklet “A Guide to Making a Will & Arranging a Funeral”.


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