The total number of cremations in the 126 crematories in Germany is app. between 400.000 and 450.000 per year. The mercury emission load of one cremation was calculated between 2 mg (based on a very efficient mercury removal) and 100 mg (very conservative estimation of mercury removal) with the use of different BAT. For cremations without the use of BAT (for mercury emissions abatement), an average emission load of 300 mg mercury per corps was estimated (by one state).
Measurements of mercury in clean flue gases of co-flow filters were recently performed in selected crematoria in 6 federal states. Mercury concentrations between 0.0001 mg/m³ and 0.03 mg/m³ were recorded.
Investigations at another crematory using an amalgator technique showed mercury concentrations in the clean flue gas between 0.01 and 0.02 mg/m³. At one oven with the same technique, a maximum concentration of 0.7 mg/m³ was found, while another amalgator cleaner resulted in an average mercury concentration of 0.028 mg/m³.
Measurements at one installation using a catalytic adsorber showed mercury concentrations between 0.003 and 0.043 mg/m³ in the cleaned gas. Measurements at one crematory using a solid bed filter with activated coke showed average mercury concentrations of 0.039 mg/m³.
Investigations of the efficiency of a tube filter with activated coke (installed as end-of-pipe
in a crematory oven) showed mercury concentrations between 0.0009 and 0.33 mg/m³.
As a result, the total annual mercury load from German crematoria is estimated at 0.036
t in treated flue gases. Approximately one half originates from those 21 crematoria without
adsorptive flue gas treatments.
Fonte: Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)
Information on Mercury in Products and Processes, Quantities used, Demand, Levels of
Substitution, Technology Change over, available substitutes.
Status of Mercury situation in Germany
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