Regole per il trasporto aereo di urne cinerarie

TSA and Airline Helpful links on transporting cremains

Transportation Safety Administration – TSA The Transportation Safety Administration traveler information page will give air travelers all the guidelines and regulations they need to know and go on to their destination. From acceptable identification to prohibited items, you’ll find it all here.
American Airlines American Airlines information on traveling with cremated remains, uncremated remains and other shipping requirements with regards to air transport of the deceased. American Airlines can be reached by calling 1-800-433-7300.
Delta At Delta’s website you can learn more about Delta policies and procedures when travelling via Delta Airlines with human cremated remains. Delta Airlines can be reached by 1-800-221-1212.
Frontier Airlines Frontier Airlines takes travelling with the cremated ashes of loved ones very seriously and you can find out more about their policies regarding air travel with ashes here. Contact Frontier Airlines directly by calling 1-800-432-1359.
Jet Blue Visit Jet Blue’s website to learn more about policies and regulations when travelling with human ashes on Jet Blue. Jet Blue requires a certified copy of the death certificate as well as a certified letter from the funeral director or crematorium that performed the cremation. Contact Jet Blue at 1-800-538-2583.
Southwest Southwest Airlines does not accept cremated ashes as checked baggage however will accept cremated remains as carry-on luggage. Click here to learn more about Southwest Airlines air travel with ashes or by calling 1-800-435-9792.
United Find information when traveling with cremated remains on United Airlines here. United requires a certificate of physician or health care officer. Contact Unite by calling 1-800-864-8331.

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