Hygeco entra nel Gruppo Facultative dal 1 gennaio 2007

Dal 1 gennaio 2007 Hygeco fa parte del Gruppo Facultative, ormai una delle multinazionali più rilevanti del settore funerario.
Di seguito si riporta il comunicato stampa relativo.

As from 1 January 2007, one of the largest suppliers for the French funeral industry, Hygeco, will join ‘the Facultatieve Group’. This Group is internationally active in the fields of information technology (IT), communication, cremation & burial, environmental management & incineration technology and insurance.
Not only is Hygeco a leading supplier for the funeral industry with its twelve European branches, it is also European market leader and a pioneer in the field of thanatopraxy (embalming, temporary preservation of the deceased). In France alone, Hygeco performs embalming on over 40,000 deceased persons each year. Furthermore, the company is one of the founders of the ‘Institut Français de Thanatopraxie’, a training institute which issues a government-approved certificate.
Henry Keizer, President & CEO of ‘the Facultatieve Group’, is extremely pleased with the cooperation. “It integrates seamlessly with the continued internationalisation of our activities. Hygeco is a fantastic company with an impressive amount of specific knowledge and experience. And they are perfectly in line with our products and services. For us it is also very important that Hygeco feels the same about quality and service as we do.”
“For Hygeco, the cooperation offers various possibilities to strengthen and further expand our activities under the colours of a stable organisation which can boast a great history, just like us”, says Francis Marette, president of Hygeco. “For instance, we and Facultatieve Technologies – the world market leader in the field of design, construction and maintenance of cremators and incineration plants – will soon be operative in countries where we’re not active yet. However, many other synergetic possibilities will arise, also through the other companies of ‘the Facultatieve Group’.”
Hygeco’s head office is, like the factory, located in Paris. In France, the company also has branches in Rennes, Caen, Lille, Lyon, Marseille and Nantes. Outside France it has offices in Barcelona (Spain), Gent (Belgium), Sheffield (England) and Warsaw (Poland). Hygeco employs a staff of around 170.

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