ECN a convegno ad Helsinki

Si svolgerà tra Stoccolma ed Helsinki l’annuale riunione dell’ECN (European Crematoria Network), precisamente dal 10 al 12 giugno 2009. Il programma è il seguente:

Wednesday 10 June
12.45 Stockholm-Skogskyrkogarden Woodlands Cemetery and Crematorium
Thursday 11 June

11.00 Opening of the seminar. Information on the programme.
A brief presentation of cremation in Finland
11.30 The Status of the ECN – work and the White Paper presented to the EU – Parliament
11.50 Pause.
12.00 The problem with pace makers and radio active devices in the corpse.
12.40 Slide show presentation of the new crematorium at Heimolen, Belgium
13.00 Lunch break.
14.30 Development of the technical concepts and methods to improve the inner and outer environment of crematoria.
The manufacturers are asked to give a short – 15 minutes – presentation of the challenges of combustion, cremation, working environment, treatment of ashes and in which direction the evolution is aiming.
16.30 Discussion. Conclusion of the day. Next meeting.
19.00 Dinner Cruise. Casual clothing.

Friday 12 June

09.00 Standards on coffins and urns. The reasons for standards and how they have been developed. How they are implemented: Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Finland, France, USA.
12.00 End of meeting. Departure for lunch and excursion.
12.15 Lunch
13.30 Departure for a tour to the Malmi crematorium and Hietaniemi cemetery.
17.00 Return to the hotel. End of Programme.

Parteciperanno all’incontro anche alcuni tra i massimi esperti italiani e precisamente il Dr. Gabriele Righi (Responsabile gruppo lavoro cremazione della SEFIT e VicePresidente della ICF), il Dr. Fabrizio Giust e l’Ing. Salvatore Mineo (della GEM Matthews International S.R.L.) e l’Ing. Giorgio Stragliotto (Amministratore della Stragliotto Spa). Quest’ultimo presenterà una relazione sulle bare e urne in Italia

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