Cremation and burial communication and education: Stratford 3-5 luglio 2017

Riceviamo dalla Società inglese di cremazione e volentieri diamo notizia in Italia della loro annuale conferenza:


We are pleased to announce that the programme for this year’s CBCE has now been released and details are attached.

The programme is designed to meet the needs of all of those involved with the provision of Bereavement Services across the whole of the UK. This year’s event is going from strength to strength, providing the most up to date and relevant information to the sector. Top ranking officials from Government Departments will provide you with up to the minute progress reports on the key issues. Other various relevant presentations will ensure you are up to date with changes that impact upon your service.

Professional Development – The Cremation and Burial Communication and Education 2017 Event offers all attendees evidence of Continuous Professional Development, with certificates from the CPD Certification Service awarded to all attendees.

Connect – Network with industry-leading practitioners, share views with the most experienced service providers in the UK to learn from their insights and forge new partnerships.

Discover – Explore the most effective way of providing your service by seeing and discussing the most up to date technology and tools available within the sector.

Delegate’s Fee: £440 +VATIncludes: Two nights’ accommodation at the event including all meals, admittance to all working sessions and the exhibition, plus event documentation.

Day Delegate’s Fee: £160 +VATIncludes: Event documentation, admittance to all working sessions and the exhibition, buffet lunch and refreshments between working sessions.Excludes: Accommodation and dinner.

For more information and to enrol online go to

Stratford Manor, Warwick Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0PY
Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th July 2017

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