In luglio, in Inghilterra:"Cremation & burial cnference and exhibition"

Following the overwhelming success of the International Cremation & Burial Conference & Exhibition 2007 the major organisations have decided to hold a similar event in 2008 at the Hilton, Newcastle Gateshead. For the second year in a row the major organisations in the UK have come together to stage an annual conference and exhibition in response to requests from delegates and exhibitors alike.

The venue and facilities were much appreciated by those who attended the 2007 conference so it has been decided to use the venue again, for 2008 only, but for the convenience of delegates and exhibitors this year’s conference will be held at an earlier date. The Cremation Society of Great Britain, the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities, the Association of Private Crematoria are delighted to announce that they will be joined by the Association of Burial Authorities as organisers of this joint conference which once again demonstrates the ability of like minded organisations to work towards establishing an annual event dealing with issues common to all.

Event: Cremation & Burial Conference & Exhibition 2008

Conference and Hilton Newcastle Gateshead
Exhibition Venue: Bottlebank
NE8 2AR United Kingdom

Dates: Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th & Wednesday 9th July 2008

To book or obtain further details about this event visit the official conference website at e-mail:

Registration & Fees

To ensure that we account for all your requirements please complete all relevant parts of the form.
Please note that a separate registration form must be completed for each attendee.

Conference Fee
Full Package – £557.45 + VAT (£97.55) = £655.00
Day Package – £127.66 + VAT (£22.34) = £150.00
Partner Package – £46.81 + VAT (£8.19) = £55.00 per day
Additional Conference Banquet Tickets – £46.81 + VAT (£8.19) = £55.00

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