In Florida è appena stata approvata una norma che consente di essere sepolti assieme al proprio animale da compagnia.
People who want to be buried with their pet would be able to do so under legislation recently passed in Florida, the Sun-Sentinel reported.
The burial provision was sent to Gov. Charlie Crist for his signature on May 1. It was pushed by Senate Chairman Jim King, R-Jacksonville, who wants to be buried with the ashes of his black Labrador retriever, Valentine, who died a decade ago at age 14.
“My wife is going to be cremated and her ashes spread across the river, so I was going to be lonely,” King said. “I wanted (Valentine’s) urn to be buried with me.”
The change to the burial law would make it legal for animal remains in an urn to be buried with human remains or ashes as long as the ashes are not mixed together.
Dr. Rachel Steele, a veterinarian at Plantation Animal Hospital, told the newspaper that some of her clients want to be buried with the remains of their pet. “Older people think about it because they are very, very attached to their pets and often it’s because the pet has a connection to a spouse,” she said. “I have one older client now with a pet that she wants to have put in the casket with her, or, if the pet outlives her, have the ashes sprinkled on her grave.”
King said he had a special connection to his late dog. “She went with me wherever I went,” he said. “We went through some difficult times together. I lost my father and my mother. But she was always the one living thing that was predictable in my life, and I loved her.”
King noted that he has received calls throughout the state from people supporting the legislation.
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