A Mosca una mostra sui militari sepolti in Russia


Alla Mostra internazionale “Memoriale-2011” apertasi nel 70^ anniversario dell’inizio della 2^ Grande Guerra al Maneggio di Mosca, con l’aiuto di Internet in formato 3D si potevano visitare i luoghi di sepoltura dei militari in Russia e all’estero e anche deporre fiori ai piedi dei monumenti ai morti. La Mostra, che è un frutto degli accordi intergovernativi sulle tombe di guerra, presenta le esposizioni di 12 Paesi. La mostra si è tenuta a Mosca il 22 e il 23 di giugno 2011.

Thematic structure of the exhibition:
1. Exhibitions devoted to: – 70 th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War – the preparation and implementation of federal target program for 2011-2015 aimed at ensuring the safety of Russian (Soviet) military graves in the Russian Federation – the implementation of intergovernmental agreements on military graves – of the Russian diplomatic missions on the improvement and maintenance of Russian (Soviet) military graves located in foreign countries – of government and non-governmental organizations of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign partners under agreements and diplomatic representations on the content and improvement of foreign military graves located in the Russian Federation – an innovative information technology, it allows to raise efficiency of work to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defending the Fatherland. – Activities of the interdepartmental commission on prisoner of war, and missing, the Russian-US Joint Commission on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action – Archives of the Russian Federation, including the Central Archives of the Russian Defense Ministry (Podolsk) – of the Russian State Military History Cultural Center of the Government of the Russian Federation (Rosvoentsentra) and the Association of International Military Cooperation memorial “War memorials” – museum of military history profile to perpetuate the memory of the victims of Fatherland Defenders – search activity associations of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian information retrieval center – Generalized electronic database containing information about the dead and missing during World War II and postwar conflict – HBS “Memorial” – work to establish a Federal Military Memorial Cemetery, and other military memorials. 2. Round table discussion on “Forever in people’s memory”, during which issues relating to implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation in 1993 ?„– 4292-1 ?«On perpetuating the memory of those killed in defending the Fatherland, intergovernmental agreements, resolutions of the 30 th meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee “Victory” on November 2, 2010 on perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland, to bring the external appearance and content of the military and memorial sites in compliance with the requirements of modern society. 3. Rewarding and honoring organizations and individuals, the most distinguished in the work to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defending the Fatherland. 4. The work of the Press Centre for accredited journalists. 5. Work time Sociological Center of the monitoring of public opinion.

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@ Redazione

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